Formal Career Education

Working for a Degree


There are many large companies today, and quite a few of them encourage their workers to continue their education throughout their career. They often have a wide variety of entry level jobs available, and many of them provide some assistance with earning an advanced degree. There are companies that impose restrictions, but others will allow their employees to earn any degree they want while paying for their tuition.

Programs for advanced learning often vary even within a company, so employees who are interested need to learn the facts before applying to any school. While full-time employees may be reimbursed for tuition as well as books and other fees, those who only work a limited amount of time during each week might find it covers only tuition. The amount a company is willing to pay is often tied to the grades earned by the worker, and many require a minimum grade before paying reimbursement. If the student fails to pass the class, they must cover the cost on their own.

In the modern world, few companies treat every worker exactly the same, so it pays to investigate schooling opportunities. While there are employers who put no restrictions on what an employee can study, others will only pay reimbursement of classes if they fall within the scope of the business. An employee working for a major hotel might find all their hospitality classes are covered, but earning a degree in rocket science is not covered. While it might seem unfair, companies have the right to pay only for the education that will help their employees be better at their current company.

There are many aspects of earning a degree while working, so employees should take the time to look into what is offered before they start their academic program. Even companies that only offer limited degrees will often pay for single classes if they can be applied to the benefit of the company. These can generally be used to cover elective credits if the person earning the degree is seeking something outside their current employment.